Please only read on if you are sat in a quiet place and completely relaxed. You must be ready to receive some shocking information that only some graduates have discovered. This has been the best kept secret from graduates for centuries and it may come as a shock to you to discover it NOW….but….wait for it…..
 “There is MORE than the BIG 4!”
Yes….there are other graduate opportunities than the ones which exist at the Big 4 consultancy firms! As an NLP Master Practitioner I am very interested in the subconscious mind and how beliefs are formed and what causes people to do what they do and it comes as no surprise that most graduates will only have been exposed to very few companies and therefore will only apply for ‚Äòcertain‚Äô graduate programmes.
The Apprentice Project is here to challenge those pre-conceptions.
Firstly, it is not the fault of graduates! How do they get access to information about companies who recruit? They go to their careers fairs, they look at graduate websites, and they speak to their friends. If it is only the same companies who attend those fairs or advertise on those sites, i.e. the big 4, then it makes sense that graduates will naturally apply to those graduate schemes before anything else. This is because they don’t know what else exists!
For example my whole family were doctors and lawyers and as I didn‚Äôt want to enter any of those industries, I was completely confused with finding out what other opportunities even existed. I therefore attended the graduate fairs and I noticed all the same companies were at all of them and I did what every other graduate does….I applied to all the schemes and hoped that I would get onto one! ¬†Now, years later after working in Graduate recruitment for 7 years, ¬†I realise that the companies who attend the careers events are the ones with large amounts of money to spend on ‚Äòsubconsciously messaging‚Äô ahem…sorry ‚Äòadvertising‚Äô their programmes. This means that all the top graduates get ‚Äòsnapped up‚Äô by the same companies and everyone starts following the pack because they aren‚Äôt sure what else exists!
The Apprentice Project is here to help! We are determined to show that there is ‘More than the BIG 4!”. We recruit for the most dynamic, entrepreneurial companies in the UK who are growing ridiculously fast and need bright, smart, awesome graduates to work for them to catapult their growth! This means the graduates who get placed by The Apprentice Project will have access to fast promotion, better training, 1-1 personal development and the opportunity to grow with the business and really make a difference! If you consider yourself to be more a Zuckerberg than a Bloomberg or a Branson over the Big 4, then we want to hear from you! If you want to be a leader, rather than a follower and want to find out what other careers exist, then contact us.
Written by Emma Vites
Copyright © 2012 Emma Vites